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모든 번역물

모든 번역물 - casper tavernello

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 1165개 결과들 중 441 - 460
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원문 언어
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노르웨이어 Villemann

gjekk seg te storan å
hei fagraste lindelauvi alle
der han ville gullharpa slå
for de runerne de lyster han å vinne
Villemann gjenge for straumen å stå
hei fagraste lindelauvi alle

완성된 번역물
스페인어 Villemann
원문 언어
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영어 I don´t have many time to talk on msn
thank you my little friend... I love you so much!!!
I don´t have many time to talk on msn... I´m working a lot!!!
I miss you... I hope see you again!!!
see ya!!!!
POrtuguês Brasileiro

완성된 번역물
브라질 포르투갈어 Eu não tenho muito tempo para conversar no MSN
원문 언어
영어 My name is Vikram. I am from Delhi.
My name is V. I am from Delhi.
Name abbreviated.

완성된 번역물
브라질 포르투갈어 Meu nome é V. Eu sou de Delhi.
원문 언어
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브라질 포르투갈어 fotos de homens dinamarqueses naturistas
fotos de homens dinamarqueses naturistas

완성된 번역물
덴마크어 Billeder af danske, mandlige naturister.
원문 언어
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아이슬란드어 með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
this is the name of sigurd rós new album - i would love to know what it means.

완성된 번역물
영어 with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly
노르웨이어 med sus i ørene spiller vi i det uendelige
원문 언어
이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다.
히브리어 אני מת מת עלייך אוהב אותך מוכן הכל בשבילך את...
אני מת מת עלייך אוהב אותך מוכן הכל בשבילך את החלום הניסתר שלי אהיה תמיד כאן בשבילך מה שלא אהיה חושב וחולם עלייך כל שנייה תשמרי בשבילי תמיד מקום בליבך אני זקוק לך אוהב אותך

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Je suis fou de toi, je t'aime, Je suis prêt à tout pour toi, tu es...
아라비아어 أنا هائم بك، أحبك، وأنا مستعد لأي شيء من لأجلك
스페인어 Soy loco por ti
브라질 포르투갈어 Sou louco por você, amo você...
노르웨이어 Jeg er begreitert for deg
원문 언어
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이탈리아어 Come stai tutto bene?
Come stai tutto bene? Mi manchi molto un bacio immenso.

완성된 번역물
영어 How are you, is everything okay?
노르웨이어 Hvordan gÃ¥r det?
원문 언어
브라질 포르투갈어 Oi! como vai? o que tem feito da vida? quando...
Oi! como vai?
o que tem feito da vida?
quando você vem para Sampa? já decidiu?

완성된 번역물
영어 Hi! How are you?
원문 언어
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페로어 Hey goði, eg eri goð vid teg.
Hey goði, eg eri goð vid teg. Banni uppá at tu og kris eru saman. Uppá ein ella annan mata, heldur tú lile eisini teg?

완성된 번역물
덴마크어 Hej skat, jeg kan godt lide dig.
스페인어 Hola tesoro
원문 언어
영어 Being the managers of everything:
Being the managers of everything:
sometimes I do know exactly where his keys are, but I let him stew until he finds them."

Complaints, instead of a clear request for help: "unless I'm out of underwear, it doesn't cross my mind that the laundry's piling up. Doing over what's already been done: my wife will wait until I leave the kitchen, and then I hear her rearranging the things I've just put in the dishwasher. Or after I've finished the laudry, she'll refold the towels! How can it matter so much?"

완성된 번역물
브라질 포르투갈어 Sendo os gerenciadores de tudo:
원문 언어
Greetings, my friend.

I hope everything is okay about the data/information I sent and that you are having no trouble with the tickets.

I am writing just to let you know that I will be uploading all my photos by the weekend.

All the best to you. Let me know what is happening when you get a chance.

Best wishes to you. STEVE
Text cleaned up by Tantine from:
Greetings, my friend.
I hope everything is okay about he data/information I sent and that you are having no troubles with the tickets.
I am writing just to let you know that I will be uploading all my photos by the weekend.
All the best to you. Let me know what is happening when you get chance.
Best wishes to you. STEVE

완성된 번역물
원문 언어
영어 well dunno.......hen i added you i thought i know...
well dunno.......hen i added you i thought i know you since long.......any ways just want to be your good friend......i hope thats possible for you ....
so what u doing as in you studing or doin job ????
till then take care....and loads of kisses...

완성된 번역물
브라질 포르투갈어 Bem, não sei
원문 언어
브라질 포르투갈어 oi meu amor, bom da que você esteja bem olha se cuida que te amo muito
Oi meu amor, bom que você esteja bem. Olha, se cuida ,que te amo muito. Gostaria de morar no seu coração assim como você mora no meu, você me faz feliz.

완성된 번역물
노르웨이어 Hej, elskede.
원문 언어
스페인어 Se lo voy a decir a mi prima y verás
Se lo voy a decir a mi prima y verás.
Vos no sos mi prima.
Ella no escribe así.
Sos otra persona.
diacritics edited <Lilian>
before edition:
se lo voy a desir a mi prima y veras
vos no sos mi prima
ella no escribe asiç
sos otra persona

완성된 번역물
노르웨이어 Det skal jeg
원문 언어
스웨덴어 knulla dina 50 mostrar
knulla dina 50 mostrar
knulla dina femtio mostrar

완성된 번역물
스페인어 50
알바니아어 QI 50 TEZET E TUA
원문 언어
영어 For those who love to rock we salute you
For those who love to rock we salute you
<edit> "loves" with "love"</edit> (06/08/francky)

완성된 번역물
포르투갈어 Para aqueles que amam o rock: nós saudamos-vos
브라질 포르투갈어 Para aqueles que amam rock, nós os saudamos
원문 언어
영어 the gods have already taught me not to stay away...
the gods have already taught me
not to stay away from the nymph.

they have already taught me
how to say their prayers.

a commission of oracles seems to reapear
in every word you sing.
their eyes look astonished
with the spells you bring.

they have already taught me
to look at the clouds and fly

but they haven't thaught me
how to land my hands upon your dreams.

one single flute note seems to make you sleep
and my words would make,
getting into your soul,
a hundred chimeras wake [up].
I would like the rhymes to be kept:


완성된 번역물
프랑스어 Nymphe
원문 언어
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브라질 포르투갈어 oiii... desculpas mas nos conhecemos?
oiii... desculpas mas nos conhecemos?

완성된 번역물
영어 Hiii... excuse me but, do we know each other?
터키어 Selam. Özür dilerim, ama tanışıyor muyuz?
원문 언어
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루마니아어 te pup dulce frumosica din brazilia la...
te pup dulce frumosica din brazilia

la revedere copila

완성된 번역물
영어 I give you a sweet kiss, pretty Brazilian girl...
브라질 포르투갈어 Eu dou a você um beijo doce, bela garota brasileira
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